Comics Comics Comics

{ Thursday, April 16, 2009 }
If you haven't picked up your free copy of Mystery Afoot Preview.. well then... I don't know what to tell you

...other than, Mystery Afoot is an exciting new collaborative comic series birthed from myself and the yuckster genius minds behind LowCarbComedy Zoran Gvojic and Dave Schneider. >credits include instant youtube classics "Mick Chandler: Unlicensed Child Psychologist", "Hate Soap" and "Saw 4,5,and 6" also the cult MTV pilots for "The Kusper Show" and "After these Messages"<

Mystery Afoot tells the tale of a Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster duo who happen to be the only mythological creatures that are real. Naturally they start up a detective agency to debunk other myths. Adventure and hijinks ensue.

You can download your very own 4 page 2008 Comic-Con preview at:

and await the first full issue due out this summer!

2 comments: said...

Due out this summer! Crap I'd better get Dave out of rehab and start writing this sucker.

Max Bare said...

Did I say "Due out this summer??" I meant March 2010! at C2E2!
The script is done so...
Bigfoot and flipper action guaranteed Issue #1 out this spring.